Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine monohydrate is a supplement that one can take in NZ to assist with energy for muscle creation and muscle building. Approximately half of the creatine that your body needs comes from eating meat, whereas your body produces the other half in the kidneys and liver.
Creatine helps ensure that you have a continual supply of energy to keep your muscles working and your brain and heart functioning. Any protein-rich food will contain creatine. However, for those who are on intensive training regimes and want to build muscle quickly, as well as those who have diets that restrict their protein intake, such as vegans and vegetarians, a creatine monohydrate supplement might be a good idea.
Creatine monohydrate can create quick bursts of energy and increase your strength, thereby improving the performance of your muscles during workouts. Creatine monohydrate supplements help the recovery after training by preventing and reducing injuries sustained during exercise regimes.
It can also significantly increase the fat-free muscle mass gained during workouts, reduce cramping and dehydration, and prevent muscle tightness and strains.
Amino Acids
Amino acids are incredibly important as they are molecules that form proteins in your body, which are the building blocks of life and which keep your body functioning as it should.
Amino acids help your body digest food and grow in terms of muscular and skeletal growth. Amino acids are also essential for repairing tissue in the body, as well as for performing a range of other functions, such as hormone regulation and more.
They also produce energy and are therefore important if you are going to be exercising or if you suffer from low energy levels. Amino acids are typically divided into three main groups: conditional amino acids, non-essential amino acids and essential amino acids.
The body typically produces conditional amino acids without any need for outside assistance from supplements or our diet. However, during times of illness and stress, these amino acids might not be produced as much as they should. Therefore, a supplement might be required.
Non-essential amino acids are not absorbed through the food we eat but are rather produced by the body. Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body internally and must come from the food we consume. Owing to modern-day poor diets, essential amino acids are often not found in the quantities required to keep one healthy.
Therefore, taking an essential amino acid supplement is highly recommended to maintain your health.